Getting Your House in Order: A Four Part Men’s Retreat
Talk 1: Your Greatest Battle
Your identity leads to and determines your destiny. Who you are, or who you believe you are, will determine who you are becoming and will become. The heroic man’s life, his marriage, his fatherhood, his family, his performance, and success at work, his ability to weather the storms of life, and arrive at the shores of eternal glory are founded upon one thing: whether he becomes a trusting son of God. In this first of four talks, Your Greatest Battle, we will discuss the essential attribute of the true son of God, the three areas of his identity that the evil one will attack, and three basic ways to become victorious in this battle for our essential identity as trusting sons of God the Father.
Talk 2: Your Greatest Weapon
Why do some men become resilient, trustworthy, dependable, life-changing, godly men, while others just get by? The true and trusting son knows that God has a great plan for him and is determined to embrace silence and listen to God to know how to fulfill that mission. Our vocational path as husbands and fathers is the path that God has marked out for us to receive His counsel and directives. The evil one knows this. For this reason, his singular goal is to drive us from this path by keeping us from embracing silence with God our Father. In this talk: Your Greatest Weapon, you will learn the devil’s four basic tactics, his six darts that he intends to use to take you out, while silence is essential, how to embrace it daily, and St. Joseph’s 4 basic steps to remaining faithful to his vocational mission.
Talk 3: Summons to Sacrifice Part 1: Embracing Woman
The real man is determined by how he lives in relationship with woman. Men instinctively want to be warriors, but few men know how. All men suffer, but few men sacrifice. In this talk: Summons to Sacrifice Part 1, you will learn the key characteristic of the warrior-lover, and—despite what the world says—how it is unique and distinct from woman; what your role and responsibility as a husband is; and how to fulfill this role by defeating lust in the heart.
Talk 4: Summons to Sacrifice Part 2: Spiritual Fatherhood
Our world is experiencing a famine of fatherhood. The statistics overwhelmingly confirm that nearly every social, emotional, psychological, economical, familial, and moral crisis are born from a lack of true fatherhood. The human father has been divinely appointed with the power and potential to change the world. But what is a father? What is his mission? How is he to live it out? In this talk: Summons to Sacrifice Part 2, you will learn that the devil’s biggest foe and enemy is the human father, the adversary’s strategy to undermine his power, and how the human father, by God’s grace and become like St. Joseph, a father on earth like the Father in Heaven.