Dear Parishioners,
The first round of the naming of our Adoration chapel ends at the end of the day on Sunday. I want to thank so many of you who took the time to vote on the names that were submitted for consideration. It’s cool to watch the spreadsheet populate with your vote. If you have not yet voted, please go to our website and choose your favorite name. On Monday, I will have another ballot with the top 3 or 4 for another round.
It is not too early to think of Lent. You will notice in this bulletin that there is a page that offers some information on the Lenten program in the parish. The theme for this year is “Rediscover Sacrifice”. Jesus says that there is no greater love than to sacrifice one’s life for another. Love and sacrifice go together. We all make sacrifices each day and Lent becomes a time to renew that expression of love. The sacrifices we make are not an end in themselves but for the higher purpose of expressing love to God and each other. As children, we learned to sacrifice sweets but now the message seems to be doing something good. However, the authentic act of doing good often comes our way as sacrifices as well. Sacrifice is a significant theme in the life of a Catholic Christian. We cannot lose this word since it is a mark of the Eucharist and the work of Christ on the cross. Let us all rediscover the meaning and love for sacrifice.
One new initiative this Lent is offering 5 weeks of small faith sharing groups to reflect on God’s holy Word. Each week, we will have a page in the bulletin and online to discuss the weekend readings and we will produce a short video to reflect on the readings. Please consider joining a small group offered in our parish. The commitment is only 5 weeks. It is a great way to hear God speak to us during this upcoming holy season of Lent. The bulletin has more information on this spiritual activity
– Fr. Daniel