Cross the Street Ministry answers Christ’s call to serve the most vulnerable. Our mission is to engage with the homeless and needy in our community, recognizing their dignity and sharing our time, compassion, and resources. In these encounters, we seek to embody the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.
Our Name: “Cross the Street” reflects our call to follow the example of Christ, who crossed boundaries to encounter those in need. When we go out in small groups of three or more, we do not cross the street to avoid the homeless or the needy. Instead, we cross the street to meet them, recognizing them as our brothers and sisters in Christ. Through these encounters, we strive to see the face of Christ in each person.
History: On August 15, 2023, our pastor, Father Daniel Greenleaf met with a small group of parishioners to discuss the possibility of ministry to the homeless and needy in downtown Lewiston. After a wonderful meeting of shared ideas, the group was eager to begin. December 18, 2023 was the Street Crew’s first time out to Kennedy Park and the surrounding area. This was just the beginning for since then, our groups have been very busy. We are now going out three days a week and hope to add more days.
Remember . . .
“Whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me.” – Matthew 25:40
“If you can’t feed 100 people, then feed just one.” – Saint Mother Teresa
“Remember that you are never alone. Christ is with you every day of your life.” – Saint John Paul II
For Winter: We need of the following:
Adult-size Hats - dark solid colors
Adult-size Gloves
Adult-size Mittens
Adult Winter Wool Crew Socks - New
Chap Sticks
You can purchase these items on our Amazon shopping list and it will be delivered right to the parish office. Use this link HERE
This year we will not be collecting blankets, jackets, sweatshirts or such
to distribute. We are only accepting the items listed above.
Thank you for helping us with this.
Come join us! As Cross the Street Ministry expands, we need more hands and hearts to serve. You can contribute by:
Packing Crew: Help assemble care packs for the Street Crew to distribute. This requires about 1 hour per week at a scheduled time.
Street Crew: Be on the front lines, going out to hand out food, resources, and more to our neighbors in need. This role involves a 2-3 hour commitment per week, also at set times.
Support Crew: Offer your time and skills in flexible ways – searching for deals, purchasing gift cards and supporting Cross the Street Ministry with prayer.
Outreach Crew: This group would be responsible for soliciting businesses in the community as well as national brands and chains to procure donated goods and supplies that we can distribute to the homeless.
Food Preparation: Help assemble sandwiches and make coffee for the Street Crew to distribute. This will require about 1 hour per week in the mornings at a scheduled time.