On October 25th: As we approach the one-year mark since the tragic events that occurred in Lewiston, we want to offer our community a space for reflection and prayer. Our church doors will be open from 8 AM to 8 PM for anyone seeking peace, rest, or simply a quiet place to be with the Lord.
Please join Bishop James Ruggieri for the first Mass at the Altar of the Prince of Peace as we pray for peace in the Holy Land. This Mass marks the anniversary of the hostage crisis and the beginning of the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land . . .
Our “Cross the Street” ministry is taking a giant leap forward in that we are now planning to offer coffee and sandwiches along with the small bag of snacks. . . an update on the priory and the plans for its future. We have completed the work of cleaning it up and removing the asbestos. We are now waiting for the estimated cost of renovatio . . . When cleaning out the priory, we had to move the marble used for the altar rail at the Basilica. I asked the Bishop if we could restore it back to its original spot, and he gave us permission to restore it. . .
Join us tomorrow for the first Called High School Ministry gathering on October 6th at 6:00 PM, starting with the LifeTeen Mass at Holy Family Church! Don’t miss this chance to start the year off with laughter and great connections. . . The dates are . . .
Tomorrow: Sunday, October 6th: Families are invited to a day of soccer fun as the Knights of Columbus hosts a Soccer Fun Day at the CARA Fields in Augusta on Sunday, October 6 from noon – 5 PM. Come join us for this event-filled day! . .
The Holy Trinity Rosary Society will be having its Fall meeting on Sunday, October 6, at 1:00 PM downstairs in the Church hall. Please use the back entrance. Anyone wishing to join the Society would be cordially welcomed!
Light a Sanctuary Lamp for an Intention that keeps burning all week long in the Sanctuary near the Tabernacle where the Presence of Our Lord is kept sacred. This can be done in memory your loved one, to honor a special favor obtained by a Saint, or for your private intentions. . .
I am working on a new weekly reporting that will be shared in the bulletin in place of format above. My goal is to share weekly our income and expenses, so you are all aware of the financial position of the parish. As always if you have any questions and/or concerns please do not hesitate to give me a call at the office. Upcoming Second Collections for Oct 5th and 19th. . .
Who was St. Francis of Assisi? Aspiring to knighthood, he participated in several military campaigns. However, he abruptly left the military after hearing the voice of God directing him to a new kind of knighthood. Through prayer, he began changing his life. . .
We are collecting nonperishable food items, bake goods, cans, bottles, and cash donations to benefit LACO Food Pantry. Held at Food City, Lisbon Falls, on October 4th and October 5th . . .
Cross the Street Ministry is in need of warm adult-size hats, mitten, gloves, and neck warmers. If you have the skills to either make them or find good bargains we sure can use your help!
This year's annual Christmas Craft Fair at Our Lady of the Rosary is fast approaching We are looking for vendors and crafts people, volunteers, bakers, and basket makers (for the raffle) Saturday, Nov 16th from 9-3 at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. . .
Join us for the first Called High School Ministry gathering on October 6th at 6:00 PM, starting with the LifeTeen Mass at Holy Family Church! Meet new friends, enjoy a chip-themed social, and dive into the fun with your peers. . .
Calling All Heroes!! Discover the Hero Within! Join Edge Middle School Ministry to explore how these heroes can help us understand and grow in the four cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. . .